Google chrome


Google Chrome is the world most famous web browser it is the product of google nowadays it’s rank is number one in the world google make chrome for all type operating system like android Ios windows etc. Its first version was released in 2009  but it is available only for MICROSOFT  but letter google makes it portable for all operating systems.

Google Chrome


This is the world famous web browser because around 65% peoples in the world are using Google chrome the main reason behind using of this browser is that it is lightweight and it provides a lot of features like save as bookmark add extension one of the biggest reason is that its execution is very fast.

Google Chrome


As compared to its competitor like Mozilla Firefox Opera. Google Chrome support approximately all famous languages which are used around the world.
Google Chrome


Development of google chrome is so great because it is assembled using 43 different code libraries the latest version of chrome which is used nowadays is 71.0.
Google Chrome


Downloading of google chrome is very easy like you just open chrome web and click on the download it’s automatically download and when you click on run its start process of saving on your machine even when you do not have chrome and you open google in any browser the pop up is generated and you just click on this pop up option and easily download the chrome .
Google Chrome


The conclusion of this article is that this article I discuss about the browser and the browser name is google browser I talk about its latest version history of the chrome that when the chrome was released I compare most top web browsers with google chrome and the worldwide its use that how many many people around the world still using chrome.

Google Chrome
